What Services Are There To Help You?
The UWIDEC has in place a number of services to help you have a meaningful online learning experience and to ensure that all your concerns are heard and addressed.
Some key persons who are available to help you
Head of the University Centre/Site Coordinator
Your UWIDEC Head of the University Centre/Site Coordinator has the responsibility of providing you with support locally. Among other functions, he/she vets applications, gives general advice and serves as liaison between you and the university. He/she is also responsible for issues related to course registration and examinations at the local level.
Contact information for the Heads of the University Centre/Site Coordinator can be found in the section entitled “Contact Information”.
Course coordinators
Each module or course is supervised by a Course Coordinator. He/she provides overall academic and pedagogic supervision for the delivery of the module or course. He/she is required to monitor the teaching/learning process and ensure that you are given appropriate guidelines and support to assist you in your studies.
E- Tutors have two broad responsibilities. They are expected to assist you in building
knowledge and acquiring the competencies related to the specific module or course of
study for which they have been appointed as E-Tutors. They are also required to assist
you in developing the learning skills that allow you to manage your own learning
and to facilitate the building of an online environment that allows you to see
yourself as part of a learning community.
The Programme Assistant
The Programme Assistant provides all administrative support. His/her routine
responsibilities are as follows:
- Serve as a reference point for the UWIDEC Head of the University Centre/Site Coordinator on any problems brought to his/her attention.
- Liaise with the Assistant Registrars, staff of the Registries, the Programme’s Academic Committee and Faculties on any matters relating to students.
- Assist in the resolution of operational matters impacting on students negatively.
- Respond to students’ enquiries about the programme and provide assistance when necessary.
- Submit periodic reports to the Curriculum Development Specialist to appraise him/her about programme delivery matters that require his/her attention.
- Liaise with Student Affairs to deal with students’ queries and resolve students’ problems as quickly and efficiently as possible.
The UWIDEC Site Technicians
The UWIDEC has Computer Technicians stationed at all our sites throughout the region. They are available to you via e-mail, telephone or in person. Their role is to address and resolve any technical problems you might be experiencing. They also give advice on all computer related matters and technical assistance when necessary.
Computer facilities
The UWIDEC sites are equipped with computer facilities which are available for you to use at a nominal fee. The site’s Computer Technician is responsible for scheduling use of these facilities.
The Help Desk
For any instructional, administrative and technical problem you might have that relate to your participation in the online learning environment that fall outside of the abovementioned sections, there is a UWIDEC Help Desk. Send your problems via e-mail to: support@dec.uwi.edu
The UWIDEC Registrar
The Assistant Registrar (AR) in UWIDEC has responsibility for matters relating to your registration and the maintenance of your academic records among other duties. In some cases, your Head of University Centre/Site Coordinator will forward your query to the AR, to resolve your problem.
Routing of complaints about delivery of programmes
The Board for Non-Campus Countries and Distance Education (BNCC/DE) is aware that you may sometimes become dissatisfied with aspects of the delivery of your distance education programme and that you may wish to make your grievance known to the relevant University authority. You can help to ensure that your complaint receives prompt attention by following the procedures set out below for routing comments/complaints on the academic delivery of courses offered through UWIDEC.
A. Write to the Director of the Distance Education Centre through your Head of the University Centre/Site Coordinator.
B. Send a copy of your letter to the UWIDEC Registrar whose contact information is found in the section entitled “Contact Information” .
The Director of the Distance Education Centre and/or the UWIDEC Registrar will contact the relevant persons in order to find a solution to the problem and will respond to you through the Head of the University Centre/Site Coordinator.