
The Academic Committee


Dr. Winston De La Haye
Clinical Director, Assessment, Detoxification and Early Rehabilitation Unit (Detox), University Hospital, Mona Campus and Lecturer in Psychiatry, University of the West Indies, Mona Campus

Deputy Chairman

Dr. Sandra Reid
Lecturer in Psychiatry, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus and Consultant Psychiatrist


Dr. Sharon Harvey
Associate Lecturer in Psychiatry, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus and Consultant Psychiatrist

Ordinary Members

Dr. Ken-Garfield Douglas
Research Officer/Drug Abuse Specialist, National Drug Commission, Bermuda

Mr. Michael Tucker
Executive Director, National Council on Drug Abuse, Jamaica

Faculty of Social Sciences Representative

Ms. Karen Ring
Lecturer in Social Work, University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus

The Academic Committee is responsible for:

  • Setting the academic standards for the programme that the Committee is seeking to deliver in collaboration with the University of the West Indies.

  • Formulating and implementing quality assurance strategies for the programme

  • Establishing and reviewing guidelines and regulations for the programme

  • Developing new modules and courses as required

  • Revising existing modules and courses as required

  • Appointing Content Providers, Course Coordinators and e-Tutors as required

  • Meeting at the beginning of every semester to review activities of the previous semester and making any necessary recommendations.

  • Presenting a report  of its operations once per semester to the Boards of the Faculties of Social Sciences, St. Augustine, Cave Hill and Mona Campuses and the Director of the University of the West Indies Distance Education Centre

"To prevent disease, to relieve suffering and to heal the sick - this is our work." - Sir Willian Osler